People don't think in channels-Suzanna Chaplin

Suzie Chaplin is ESB Connect's energetic Managing Director.

How she started from studying law to the exciting world of digital marketing we will never know? Oh wait we do, and we do go into some detail about that. But you’ll have to listen to the full podcast episode to get the goss on that. Goes to show there are no linear paths into the world of marketing. I digress.

Hear all about Suzie’s love to pranks as well as some serious real world marketing advice including; the need of individuality, connection development, and goal setting in marketing success.

Her experiences serves as a reminder that spontaneity, adventure, and originality can be valuable advantages in business. Don't forget to have some fun along the road too! She quips.

Listen in links below! 👇

Episode on YouTube

Apple Podcast



Do something you enjoy!-Omar Juman


Knowing what you don't know-Niamh Cassidy